10 Reasons Why You Need To Start Growing Your Own Food and Start A Garden Today?
Do you know where your food comes from? If you’re like most people, the answer is probably “the grocery store.” But what if we told you that you could get fresher, healthier food by growing it yourself? Believe it or not, starting a garden is easier than you think! This blog post will discuss 10 reasons you should start growing your own food today.

1) Save Money
The average American household spends between $500 and $1,000 a month on groceries. The misconception is that this Money pays for the harvest of the supermarket – but in fact, these purchases represent food that often has to be processed or packaged before it can be stored and eaten at home. This added cost means that fresh produce is actually more expensive than eating out or picking up prepared foods on your way home from work. One study found that people who grow their own vegetables save about 20 percent off their monthly grocery bills! What’s more, many people are shocked to discover just how cheap it is to start growing their own food! When you consider the initial purchase of soil/herbicides/fertilizer/potting mix/tools + seeds/seedlings, then add to this the cost of water and electricity for a few months… many people find that home-grown produce is actually LESS expensive than buying it from a supermarket!
2) Eat Healthier
If you want to eat healthier, one of the first things you should do is start a garden – because growing your own food means being able to control exactly what goes into it. It’s certainly true that vegetables from a supermarket are much more likely to be pesticide-free than those grown by commercial farmers – but there’s no guarantee at all that your product hasn’t been soaked in toxic chemicals or has been genetically modified. Being able to grow organic vegetables gives you complete peace of mind that the food you’re feeding your family is as healthy as possible! In fact, many people find their reaction to store-bought produce changes entirely when they switch over to home-grown!
3) Improve Your Mood
Have you ever noticed that when you spend time in nature, your mood tends to improve? It’s not just a coincidence. Being in our natural environment is so essential for our mental well-being that studies show just 10 minutes of exposure to greenery can have an antidepressant effect! When you cultivate your own garden, you’re guaranteed the opportunity to spend more time outdoors – which means more Vitamin D, lower stress levels, and better sleep. Even if it’s raining outside, being surrounded by plants will instantly relax you!
4) Build Self Esteem
Studies show that having a green thumb can help protect against depression and anxiety too. Spending time outdoors in the sunshine improves self-esteem because people are much less likely to feel worthless when they see something growing successfully. It’s also a great way to reconnect with nature, which is why it’s no coincidence that depression rates are rising as people spend more and more time indoors!
5) Get Fit
It makes perfect sense that gardening can help you lose weight – after all, digging around in the soil is an excellent workout for both your arms and legs. And if you have nearby friends who are growing their own food too, then you’ll be motivated to swap lazy nights of TV watching for long walks to visit them instead! Gardening will instantly give you added energy levels, so it’s easier to stick to your exercise goals at the same time!

6) Avoid Antibiotics & Hormones
The vast majority of livestock raised for meat in the United States is administered with growth hormones to make them bigger. This means that when you buy meat from your local supermarket, you’re also consuming traces of these chemicals – and potentially putting yourself at risk for a whole host of diseases ranging from cancer to diabetes! If you grow your own food, being able to go out into the garden and pick a healthy meal whenever you need one gives you a much lower chance of ingesting chemical additives or preservatives!
7) Start A New Hobby & Socialize With Friends
Most people never even consider the idea that gardening can be enjoyable – but this ancient hobby is being rediscovered as an excellent way to spend time with friends and family! Many communities have local community gardens where individuals or small groups can rent a plot of land to plant vegetables – and it’s a fantastic way to make new friends as you learn from each others’ experiences.
8) Overcome A Fear Of Failure
Many people are terrified of failing in front of their friends and family – but when you’re growing your own vegetables, there’s no danger of that! Even if your first attempt at gardening doesn’t end up being a complete success, it will still be far more impressive than anything you could ever buy from the supermarket. It might take some time to get the hang of things, but once you start reaping the rewards of eating delicious, nutritious food every day, you’ll love it so much that it won’t even matter!
9) Increase Community Self Reliance
In recent years, we’ve seen far too many shortages in the global food supply system – leading to empty shelves and panic buying. In this day and age, it’s more important than ever to have confidence that our community would be able to feed itself even if the worst were to happen – from a freak natural disaster right through to an all-out war. By growing your own food, you’ll know exactly where your next meal is coming from – and that sense of self-reliance will give you a great deal of peace of mind!
10) Get Outdoors & Escape The Stress Of Daily Life
Finally, there’s no better way for anyone feeling overwhelmed by everyday life to step back and reconnect with nature – just as we’re meant to – than taking control over their own garden. From looking after plants at sunrise to harvesting produce as the sun sets, growing your own food is a fantastic way to take back control and return to nature!
The best part about starting a garden today is that you can start small – whether this means planting just one tomato plant in your backyard or investing in larger plots of land for members of your community. Even if you only have time to set up an herb pot indoors, there’s no doubt at all that gardening will improve your life – and the secret lies right at the bottom of every single packet we buy from the supermarket

The best part about starting a garden today is that you can start small – whether this means planting just one tomato plant in your backyard or investing in larger plots of land for members of your community. Even if you only have time to set up an herb pot indoors, there’s no doubt at all that gardening will improve your life – and the secret lies right at the bottom of every single packet we buy from the supermarket. For more instant tips and helpful information, you can follow Certified Health Coach, Chaundria Singleton!