If you’re looking for a vegan-friendly omega supplement that doesn’t contain fish oils, you may have come across vegan fish-free omega capsules. But what are they? What are the benefits? And are there any things to consider before taking them? In this article, we’ll answer all those questions and more! So keep reading to learn everything you need to know about vegan fish-free omega capsules.
What are Plant-based vegan fish-free omegas capsules?
Plant-based vegan fish-free omegas capsules are supplements that contain omega-3 fatty acids in the form of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). ALA is an essential long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acid which means our bodies need to get it from food or supplements. But not only omegas 3, but 5, 6, 7 & 9 plant-based and vegan omegas!

Benefits of Plant-based vegan fish-free omegas capsules?
1) Improves Health Heart
ALA supplementation has been found to significantly reduce triglyceride levels, lower blood pressure in people with elevated blood pressure and decrease resistance to insulin, which is considered a risk factor for type 2 diabetes.
2) Increases Energy
ALA may increase energy expenditure by stimulating the formation of heat in body tissue. Studies suggest that it may be responsible for up to 10% of the calories expended during moderately intense exercise. This can lead to greater fat utilization while exercising.
3) Brain Function
Some studies have suggested that higher intakes of omega-3 fatty acids are associated with better memory retention and better cognitive abilities. Other studies have linked low blood concentrations of DHA to an increased risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, or worsening mental function due to age.
4) Vision Improving
ALA may protect against macular degeneration, an age-related disease where the light-sensing cells of the retina waste away, causing blindness in older adults.
5) Reduces Inflammation
Omega 3 fatty acids act as precursors for anti-inflammatory compounds, which might be responsible for their wide-ranging benefits. The omega-3 fatty acids are converted into anti-inflammatory chemicals called eicosanoids. They work like local hormones and reduce inflammation throughout the body.
6) Mood Lifting
Studies show that people who eat diets rich in omega-3 fatty acids are less likely to suffer from depression or other mood disorders compared with those whose diets are low in omega-3 fatty acids.
7) Joins Areas of The Body
Fish oil is able to penetrate into all cell membranes, including brain cells, aiding its ability to protect against chemical substances that can cause cancer and other diseases. This means that fish oil’s benefits are not just limited to the heart but also apply to the immune system, skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema, joint pain.
8) Joint Pain Reduction
Arthritis patients have found significant relief by taking fish oil supplements daily. Several studies have shown that EPA/DHA supplementation reduces joint pain associated with osteoarthritis significantly more than placebo.
9) Helps Weight Loss & Improves Fitness
Studies show that diets high in omega-3 fatty acids significantly reduce body fat and increase muscle mass compared to a typical western diet.
10) Healthy Skin
DHA is the primary structural component of the human brain, accounting for up to 97% of all omega-3 fats in the cerebral cortex. It makes sense that consuming adequate amounts of DHA would be important for maintaining optimal mental function and that low levels of omega-3 fats may contribute to psychiatric disorders such as depression, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia. Another benefit associated with DHA is healthy skin and hair, which results from its conversion into compounds called endocannabinoids (internal cannabinoids). These compounds help stimulate the sebaceous glands (oil-producing glands under our skin), helping maintain oil production and preventing dry skin and hair.

Things to consider before buying Plant-Based Vegan Fish Free Omega Capsules:
1) Quality
Make sure your supplement contains a high-quality triglyceride form of omega-3, containing both EPA and DHA. The vast majority of the omega-3 products on the market fail to provide adequate amounts of these crucial fatty acids. So make sure you’re getting the proper dose.
2) Purity is key
Most brands add artificial or processed flavors to mask rancid odors, which can lead to oxidative damage in your body over time. Make sure you take a closer look at the label for this information!
3) Purity & Potency
Check out how much DHA/EPA is in each capsule. It should be clearly stated on the bottle’s label (or website). If it doesn’t mention DHA/EPA anywhere, you can bet they’re cutting corners. Look for at least 300mg of DHA/EPA per serving to guarantee your omega-3s are pure and unadulterated.
4) High Purity
An essential nutrient like omega-3 fatty acids should be processed as little as possible to ensure all the natural benefits (and flavors) remain intact. The processing methods used to create fish oil supplements can reduce purity or destroy some beneficial compounds within the supplement itself, increasing your chance for side effects and decreasing the product’s ability to provide health benefits.
5) Know Your Company
There are literally thousands of cheap, low-quality omega-3 products on the market. How can you trust that you’re buying a supplement from a company that will stand behind the quality of its product?

6) Know What You Need
If your diet already provides adequate amounts of omega-3 fatty acids, then taking supplements is simply unnecessary. However, if you find yourself eating foods high in trans fats and processed carbs without enough fresh fruit and vegetables, consider adding an omega-3 supplement to your routine.
7) Not for Pregnant Women
Omega 3s are important throughout all stages of life. It’s safe for breastfeeding women to take an herbal fish oil supplement as long as they stick with reputable brands that use pure ingredients. However, pregnant women should avoid taking fish oil supplements since the omega-3s can be absorbed into the placenta and affect a baby’s brain development.
8) Not for Children
Some children will not react well to omega-3 supplementation due to their age or individual nutrient needs. Most experts recommend waiting until kids are at least one year old before adding fish oil to their daily diet. You may want to consult with your pediatrician before deciding if it’s right for your child. But Juice Plus Vegan Omegas have years of research to prove their safety with children! Why not give your kids one of the best supplements made from food? Read a short article.
9) Don’t Forget Magnesium!
Magnesium yields many health benefits because of its ability to relax muscles, increase energy production, detoxify cells, regulate blood sugar levels, reduce pain and cramping in muscles/joints, help with nerve signaling functions, reduce inflammation and act as a co-factor for many metabolic functions in the body.
10) Don’t Overdose
A key factor that makes fish oil supplements unique is their tendency to thin out your blood (reducing blood clots). Sure this can be helpful when it comes to preventing heart attacks in high-risk patients, but if you’re taking too much at one time, you may need some extra platelets circulating in your veins to fight off any potential bruising or bleeding issues. Hence the benefits of eating plant-based and vegan fish-free omega supplements!